I hope all of you are having a great summer! Bloomingdale Schools Superintendent, Dr. Dobbins submitted her resignation letter to our board recently, and she and Joel are moving back to Oklahoma to be near their daughters and their growing families. We are appreciative of Deanna and Joel's contributions to our district over the past three years and we wish them all the best!

Dale Schreuder has agreed to serve as our Interim Superintendent while we search for our next Superintendent. Dale retired as our Superintendent "a few years ago" and we are excited to have him helping us through this transition. Dale's first official day in Central Office will be August 1st, and Deanna's last day will be August 9th. Deanna and Dale will be working together during the week of August 5th to help ensure a smooth transition.

Our board has hired the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) to lead our search, and the posting went live yesterday! The plan is to have a new Superintendent hired and starting in late September or early October. The search timeline and all the search details can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.bdalecards.com/page/superintendent-search

I encourage all of you to complete the online survey about our Superintendent search at the following link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/bdalesearch This survey is anonymous and is sent directly to MASB. The board is meeting with MASB on July 31st to discuss the survey results.

Have a great remainder of your summer and GO CARDINALS!

Tim Remington

Board President

Bloomingdale Public Schools